What is Title Re-establishment Survey


A title re-establishment survey (also referred to as a boundary or check survey) is a survey of the current occupation of title and a comparison to your land’s original title. It defines your land boundaries in relation to the existing fences or structures on the property. Conducting a precise re-establishment survey is a complex task and must be undertaken and verified by a licensed land surveyor and submitted to the titles office.

When is a title re-establishment survey required?

Anytime you are buying a new property or considering any kind of development on your own property, whether you’re erecting a new fence, extending an existing dwelling, starting any type of building project, subdividing your existing land, or even disputing boundaries with a neighbour, it’s vital to know where your title boundaries are to make the most of your investment.

How much will a title re-establishment survey cost?

The price for a title re-establishment survey can range from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand depending on the access to permanent survey marks and control points and the information available on the land survey database.

How long will a title re-establishment survey take?

At Re-establishment Survey Melbourne we ensure that all our projects are completed within 7 to 10 working days and plans are provided to our clients and lodged with the titles office.  


Contact us today for friendly, no obligation advice on how we can assist you in taking the first step toward your building and development projects.

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