What We Do

Title Re-establishment Survey


To provide the highest level of land surveying services our qualified team uses the latest technology and software to offer all our clients a range of cadastral survey services which are listed below. For any other inquiries into land surveying services that are not mentioned below, please email us your details and property location so that one of our friendly staff can contact you for an obligation free consultation.

Title boundary re-establishment

Land ownership and any type of development requires knowing precisely where the title boundaries exist. Given the changing nature of neighbourhoods, properties, features and structures it is not always simple to determine where these boundaries are. A title re-establishment requires a licensed land surveyor to use original survey plans and title information to determine the most permanent survey marks and control points around the site to confirm the exact location of the title boundary. Title boundary corners can be physically marked on site using pegs or survey marks with an offset from the boundary where required. This information will be shown on a Plan of Re-establishment Survey as the relationship between existing fences and structures with the location of the title boundary.

Boundary disputes

Most people assume that their property lies within the legal title boundary until there is a change of ownership or development plans and extensions cause disputes between neighbours. A re-establishment survey by a licensed surveyor clearly shows precisely where boundaries are and their relationship to existing structures to settle any disputes.

Land subdivision (lot subdivision/multi-unit subdivision)

Land subdivision allows applicants to divide a land parcel into two or more new titles which may be disposed of separately. The very first step of any land subdivision is to identify the existing title boundaries, which is done by completing a re-establishment survey. Once the necessary titles have been located a plan of subdivision can commence.

Land consolidation

Land consolidation occurs when two or more parcels of land are to be joined and the multiple titles are to be consolidated into one. In some cases, title re-establishment is required to define the existing titles and configure the process of consolidation.

Adverse Possession

A title re-establishment may also be used where there is contention for adverse possession. This is where one owner is considered to have exclusively occupied the land in some form for more than 15 consecutive years and can then claim ownership.

Easement removal/covenant removal

A registered easement is a right that can be in favour or against a particular piece of a land title that allows access for certain cases. Drainage is a common example of an easement which is in favour of local council or water authority.   A covenant is a written agreement that places certain restrictions on the use of the land and ensures that any development conforms to an agreed building standard. In some cases an easement or covenant may be deemed unnecessary or no longer functional, and then be removed from a title.



Contact us today for friendly, no obligation advice on how we can assist you in taking the first step toward your building and development projects.

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